Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society whose purpose is to promote the study and enjoyment of English literature, language, and writing.  The local branch at MSU Billings presents occasional programs, sponsors an annual poetry contest for students, manages an ongoing book sale in the Writing Lab (LA 213), and sponsors the annual Writers Roundup, a gathering of local and regional writers who sell and autograph their books.  Proceeds from our fundraising activities support a variety of scholarships, awards, and activities.  Sigma Tau Delta welcomes all English majors and minors who display academic excellence and meet the standards set by the national office.  For further information, please contact the faculty sponsor, Dr. Rachel Schaffer, in the English/Philosophy Department, LA 437, 657-2954.

In the Fall of 1983, Dr. Gary Acton wrote a letter to English students at Eastern Montana College requesting their response to the idea of establishing a chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society,  whose purpose is to enrich students’ English education. Response was positive and an organization meeting was held in October and a steering committee appointed.

The steering committee (Maureen Manning, Lori Bolenske, Denise Wherley Robison, Dan Bohleen, and Linda Buckingham) drew up a petition and gathered the signatures required by the national organization, which granted EMC its Charter on January 27, 1984.

The first meeting of the EMC chapter was held on November 9, 1983, and Dan Bohleen was elected the first president. Other officers were Peggy Zitur, vice-president, Lori Bolenske, secretary, Denise Wherley Robison, treasurer, and Linda Buckingham, historian. Walter Utroske was the first faculty advisor, followed by Flora Willett.

In 1988, Dr. Rachel Schaffer became faculty advisor and Sigma Tau Delta sponsored the first Writers Roundup (book signing and sale) held in early December. At this sale, Montana and Wyoming authors signed their books and talked with visitors about writing. Proceeds from this sale fund textbook scholarships for English majors. The Writers Roundup has been held each year since.

Join Sigma Tau Delta the first Saturday of each December and meet your Montana authors. For more information contact Dr. Schaffer at 657-2954.

Big Sky Philosophy Club

The Big Sky Philosophy Club provides Philosophy minors and other interested faculty, staff, and members of the general public with a forum to discuss pertinent issues and ideas.

Advised by Dr. David Karnos, the group has sponsored Tibetan monks, reviewed works by great philosophers, and discussed current ethical issues. For information on participating, contact Dr. Karnos at 657-1611.

Spanish Club

Club objectives:

  • To promote an improved understanding of the Spanish language through conversational opportunities.
  • To encourage further study of Spanish.
  • To promote cultural awareness of the Hispanic world.
  • To provide volunteers for community and university service projects.

Alpha Mu Gamma

The purposes of Alpha Mu Gamma are to recognize outstanding achievement in the field of foreign language study and to encourage interest in foreign languages, literatures and cultures among all Americans. In addition to the personal satisfaction associated with having achieved the honor, membership in a national honor society is also helpful when applying for a job or graduate school.

The Beta Gamma Chapter at ¶¥¼¶¹ú²úÊÓƵ is the only chapter of this national honor society in the state of Montana. The members meet at least once a semester, raise money to award a scholarship at the end of the year, and sponsor programs that are of interest to members.

You may call the Modern Languages office at 657-2201.