1. Access the appropriate state department of education web page, print out, and complete the required licensure application documents.
  2. For mailed submissions, mail to: MSU Billings, Attention: Traci Sgrignoli, Director of Field Experiences & Licensure, COE, Rm. 274, 1500 University Drive, Billings, MT 59101.
  3. Teacher candidates completing an accredited Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) program in Montana must meet the minimum content knowledge requirements described below to be recommended for licensure/endorsement. This policy is the result of ongoing dialogue and consensus between the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) and Montana EPPs. This practice ensures consistency across state programs. Montana Board of Public Education accredited schools must employ teachers with an active Montana license and assign those teachers to teach classes in their endorsed subject area(s).
  4. Teacher candidates must earn at least 7 points on the Montana Assessment for Content Knowledge prior to recommendation for licensure/endorsement by an accredited Montana EPP. The possible range for the Content Knowledge Score (CKS) is 0-10.  Teacher candidates earning fewer than 7 CKS points or who score zero on any of the three rubric components shall not be recommended for licensure/endorsement.   For candidates who receive a score of 1* on rubric components 1, 2, or 3, each Montana EPP will conduct a further individualized review of the candidate鈥檚 content knowledge and teaching skills, based on established policy, to ensure that the candidate merits recommendation for licensure/endorsement. This multiple measure assessment consists of content coursework GPA, an assessment of content knowledge demonstrated during student teaching, and a qualifying score on the Praxis Subject Assessments test.
  5. Elementary education candidates and Secondary and K-12 teaching majors and minors require a Praxis Subject Assessments subject (content) exam prior to licensure. The established Montana score requirement(s) must be met for a licensure recommendation to the Montana Office of Public Instruction or any other state鈥檚 licensure unit. Elementary and Secondary and K-12 major candidates are required to obtain a qualifying score on the Praxis exam in both the teaching major(s) and teaching minor(s) before a licensure recommendation is made.
  6. The COE Licensure Official will process out-of-state applications. Access (via the state鈥檚 department of education web page) the necessary documents. Once the documents have been printed and completed, submit the page(s) that require the MSU Billings seal and/or signatures to COE Room 274 or mail to Traci Sgrignoli, Director of Field Experience & Licensure.
    1. Most states require the candidate to mail all applicable papers and documentation in one complete package.
    2. Know the state鈥檚 particular licensing requirements and provide the applicable documentation, including fingerprinting and criminal background checks.
    3. Most states require licensing exams, such as Praxis II. Research the testing requirements in advance of application.
  7. Applications for teacher licensure and endorsements must be reviewed and receive approval by the Licensure Officer prior to the institutional recommendation and final consideration by the State Licensure Unit in Helena, Montana, or any other state鈥檚 department of education. The licensure unit in each state鈥檚 Department of Education is responsible for final consideration and approval.
  8. Criminal background reports can only be redisseminated to a Montana public school or school district or a unit of the Montana University System.  Criminal background reports cannot be redisseminated to the Office of Public Instruction or across state lines. Redisseminations can be made only upon receipt of the fingerprint Redissemination Request form and the CBR cannot be older than 24 months.
  9. To obtain a criminal background report for Montana's Office of Public Instruction educator licensure application process, please follow the instructions on .