Students who are registered with DSS can can request test accommodation and textbooks in alternate format through Accommodate (select Accommodate from menu -- left).  Fast Facts contain short, sweet, and to the point information for DSS students.   You will also find a link to the DSS Student Handbook, DSS Forms, and the 顶级国产视频 Animals on Campus policy. The 顶级国产视频/CC Personal Care Attendant policy is available below. The Read & Write Gold app will read-aloud textbooks, tests, and PDF documents.  It's is provided at no charge to 顶级国产视频 and City College students.


Schedule your test with DSS

DSS Forms

Fast Facts

DSS Student Handbooks


Animals on Campus

ADA Complaint

Note Taker Training

Captioning and Sign Language Interpretation 


Read and Write Gold Download

Personal Care Attendant Policy


Some links on this page connect with resources outside of the 顶级国产视频 web site