Heather Thompson-BahmDr. Heather Thompson-Bahm

Business and Human Resource Instructor, City College

Dr. Heather Thompson-Bahm, instructor of business and human resources, has shown a tremendous amount of dedication to her students as well as her program at City College. Preparing students for future employment is a main focus of her efforts, along with ensuring the success of each class she instructs.

Serving as the sole full-time business faculty member at City College, she has advised over 100 students in the areas of Business and Human Resources. It is evident that her efforts are appreciated, as Dr. Thomson-Bahm has received positive feedback from many of her students through exemplary student evaluation scores.

鈥淗er program is well organized and effectively delivered, and she is an excellent teacher in both traditionally delivered and distance learning environments,鈥 says one of her nominators.

Dr. Thomson-Bahm is dedicated to improving City College and works to accomplish its mission of providing quality learning opportunities and 鈥渂ecoming a true comprehensive two-year college,鈥 another nominator said. She serves as a true leader, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.

Outside her duties as an instructor, Dr. Thompson-Bahm continues to be actively engaged in the advancement of the Billings Community through various acts of committee and community service.

Volunteering as a Girl Scout Leader and board member of the Yellowstone Chapter of Human Resources Management, 鈥淗eather epitomizes service and leadership at City College and in our local community,鈥 a colleague states.

Several other activities that Dr. Thomson-Bahm has been involved in include: serving on the City College Curriculum Committee, assisting in youth soccer, and participating as an academic senate representative at 顶级国产视频. She also values the creation of relationships throughout the community, which is a testament to her continuous loyalty to this institution.

It is evident that Dr. Thompson-Bahm is more than deserving of the City College Leadership Award, as she continues to exert her valuable time and effort into the improvement of 顶级国产视频.