The Early Achievement Research and Creative Accomplishments Award recognizes a pre-tenure faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in research and/or creative activity unusually early in their professional career.

Eligibility: Pre-tenure faculty who are employed at .5 FTE or higher, are within their first five years at 顶级国产视频, and have never previously won this award

Award Amount: $3,000 stipend

Criteria: Documented evidence of exemplary research/creative accomplishments as evaluated by peers and experts in their field. State or national recognition in the academic community. Evidence of a positive impact of their research/creative activity on their discipline, department, and/or college.

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community. Self-nominations are accepted. Nomination must include:

  • Statement that includes the following (maximum 3 pages):
    • How the nominee's qualifications relate to the award criteria and why the nominee is deserving of the award
    • Specific examples of relevant accomplishments including publications, patents, grants, exhibits, performances, and other scholarly recognitions and awards as appropriate to the discipline since the start of the nominee's career
    • Evidence of nominee's impact on undergraduate and graduate students. This is especially important for the outstanding achievement category
    • Explanation of the norms in the field for numbers and types of publications/exhibits/performances/grants expected. Discuss the quality of journals in which the nominee has published and include a list of two or three most prestigious journals or publication venues. Likewise, discuss the quality of exhibit/performance venues and include a list of the two or three most important
    • A brief summary of how the nominee鈥檚 research and creative activities impact teaching and service activities
  • Curriculum Vita (maximum 15 pages)
  • Two letters of support

Nominations are now closed 

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.


Recent Past Winners 

2024 Melinda Aley