The Outstanding Career Achievement Research and Creative Accomplishments Award recognizes a tenured faculty member for outstanding career achievements in research and/or creative activity. 

Eligibility: Tenured faculty who have not won the award in the last 5 years

Award Amount: $3,000 stipend

Criteria: Documented evidence of outstanding research/creative accomplishments and impact of their work on their discipline as evaluated by peers and experts in their field. Outstanding state, national, and/or international recognition in the academic community. Evidence of a substantial positive impact on their mentorship and/or teaching of undergraduate or graduate students.

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community. Self-nominations are accepted. Nomination must include:

  • Statement that includes the following (maximum 3 pages):
    • How the nominee's qualifications relate to the award criteria and why the nominee is deserving of the award
    • Specific examples of relevant accomplishments including publications, patents, grants, exhibits, performances, and other scholarly recognitions and awards as appropriate to the discipline since the start of the nominee's career
    • Evidence of nominee's impact on undergraduate and graduate students. This is especially important for the outstanding achievement category.
    • Explanation of the norms in the field for numbers and types of publications/exhibits/performances/grants expected. Discuss the quality of journals in which the nominee has published and include a list of two or three most prestigious journals or publication venues. Likewise, discuss the quality of exhibit/performance venues and include a list of the two or three most important.
    • A brief summary of how the nominee鈥檚 research and creative activities impact teaching and service activities
  • Curriculum Vita (maximum 15 pages)
  • Three letters of support, one of which is recommended from an external source.

Nominations are now closed

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.

Recent Past Winners

2024 none