This award is intended to recognize excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service, as evidenced by past performance of an individual who is part-time faculty.

Eligibility: Faculty who are currently part-time at 顶级国产视频 and have not received the award in the last 3 years

Award Amount: $1,000

Criteria: Evidence of excellence in teaching

Guidelines for Submitting Nominations: Letters of nomination may come from all members of the campus community. Self-nominations are not accepted. The nomination for the part-time faculty member must include specific reference to accomplishments in teaching, and may include notation of contributions in the areas of scholarship/creative endeavor, and service if appropriate.

Nominations are now closed

Once the nomination is submitted, the nominee will be contacted to determine if he/she wishes to have his/her name moved forward in the nomination process. Upon an affirmative answer, further instructions will be supplied.

Recent Past Winners

2020 Christina Erickson

2021 Hans Bone

2022 Cindy Millard

2023 Lorrie Joan Henrie-Koski