EWHA University is a women's university in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. EWHA's programs are designed for students interested in a wide-range of topics on Asia and Korea. This university offers several campuses, including Colleges of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, Education, Business Administration, and many others.  In total, it has 11 colleges with 67 departments, and several research institutes.  It also offers some Korean language courses for interested students.

EWHA has recently completed a campus renovation that makes it the largest underground campus in Korea. This allows the university to provide students with a variety of services that are both educational and cultural. EWHA also offers two summer college sessions that are open to both women and men.



 顶级国产视频 Student Maria Sylvester in South Korea


"The Korean food was delicious and I got to meet and talk with Korean students and people from around the world. There were hundreds of international students so I was able to meet people from China, Germany, France, England and many other places."

Maria Sylvester, EWHA South Korea Study Abroad, Fall 2018
Read program testimonials here!

Academic Year

Fall Semester: September- Mid December

Spring Semester: March- Mid June

Summer Sessions: Two sessions offered, typically June-July and August

EWHACourses Offered

EWHA University offers 100- 200 classes in English in their colleges of  Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, Education, Business Administration, and many other colleges. Almost all of the courses offered on campus are open to be taken by international and exchange students. All students are required to take a minimum of 9 credits and can take up 18 credits in one semester.

Language Courses Offered

EWHA University also offers Korean Language classes to all students, in addition to their regular studies in English. The classes are for all levels of learning and focus for their students  to learn the language in the use of listening, writing, and reading with the focus of communication. The university has limited full-time Korean language offerings.


International Summer College (EISC)

EWHA offers a fantastic short-term, co-ed study abroad opportunity through its International Summer College. With over 40 credit-bearing courses in 9 disciplines, courses at the EISC are carefully selected and taught by top professors from both Ewha and prestigious professors from all over the world. Students can choose from one of two sessions in the summer and the first session allows a myriad of coursework taught in English ranging from international business and East Asian Culture to Arts and Music to Science & Engineering, and more. The second session is reserved for Korean Language learning.

In addition to taking coursework, students are able to take advantage of field trips and cultural excursions, allowing them to explore the streets of Korea as well as major tourist destinations with peer students from across the globe.


 EWHA Summer College

EWHA Dorm RoomAccommodations

EWHA University offers a few different accommodation options for their students. One of the options is to stay in the on campus accommodations known as the E-House, Hanwoori House, and the I-House. The prices can vary depending on which accommodation is chosen. There is also the option to live in a furnished one-room or boarding house off campus. The boarding houses can be either single or double rooms and offer bathrooms for common use, meals served twice a day, and a refrigerator and water dispenser available at most locations. Off campus housing costs $329- $564 per month.



All students are required to have a visa if they are planning on studying in the country for longer than 3 months. There are options for single and multiple entry visas. EWHA will issue an admission certificate for the visa process. Exchange students will need to apply for a D-2 visa in-person at the South Korean Consulate in Seattle, WA.


Health InsuranceEWHA Campus, Seoul, South Korea

To ensure comprehensive and quality coverage, all study abroad students are required to enroll in insurance that is provided through the designated Montana University System insurance provider. Please consult with the Study Abroad Coordinator for further information. This insurance is affordable with a typical semester averaging about $250. Students are also obligated to pay roughly $35 per month to be enrolled in the Korean National Health Insurance - this is a requirement in addition to the university insurance provider.