Lily Rosenblum

Age (while abroad): 21 (had my birthday there!)Lily Rosenblum sa image1

Degree(s): Health and Human Performance and Athletic Training

Where did you go?: Sein盲joki, Finland

In what school did you study?: Sein盲joki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK)

When did you go?: Spring 2020 (left mid-semester due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Have you studied abroad before?: No

What was your prior language knowledge (if applicable)?:  None - wasn't necessary since instruction is in English

Why did you do study abroad?: I wanted to gain insight on some of the physiotherapy practices that are developed in the country that has the best patient measured outcomes. I used this experience to broaden my understanding of how to treat the person holistically and find better ways to serve the population I work with.

Lily Rosenblum sa image2Would you do this again?: Definitely yes!

What was your favorite part?: My favorite part was the physiotherapy research group I got involved with to help further understand how they are able to improve the health of their clients.

What was your least favorite part?: Not having many other students that understood English to talk to. (I found it easier to speak French to the French students to explain things rather than English.)

How has study abroad affected your life now?: Studying abroad makes me want to go back to Europe and maybe pick up another degree from there to continue my education.

What did you learn, outside of academics, from your study abroad experience?:

I learned how to explain to others what life is like for Americans because I feel social media and the movies do not represent all of it.

What advice you would offer students interested in studying abroad?: Your world will feel a lot bigger when you come back.