Bomb/Bio-Chemical Threat

MSU Billings policy is to evaluate Bomb/Bio-Chemical threats in order to determine the appropriate action that must be taken. The threat that a bomb/bio-chemical device has been planted is usually made via the telephone. In the majority of cases, these threats have been proved to be false and no device or material was located. However, the potential for loss of human life and property is so great that each situation must be pursued and evaluated. Under no circumstances will a threat of this nature be accepted as a hoax. For more information, refer to the MSU Billings Police Department Bomb/Bio-Chemical Threat policy.

Telephone Threat: The person receiving a telephone bomb/bio-chemical threat should remain calm and obtain as much information as possible by completing the Telephone Bomb Threat Checklist located at the end of this section. If your phone is equipped with caller identification, write down the number that is on the display screen. After the caller hangs up, immediately call the University Police at (x2222). Give all available information. Notify immediate supervisor.

Written Threat: Written threats can come in the form of a message written on a building wall, note, letter or fax, e-mail, text message, through the U.S mail or campus mail. Any document will become evidence at the trial of any perpetrator. It may, in fact, be critical to a successful prosecution and positive identification of the perpetrator and therefore is extremely important.

  • DO NOT handle the envelope or letter/note any more than is necessary and limit the number of persons who touch these items. Know who the people are that have touched these items so elimination fingerprints can be obtained. Once proper notification has been made to University Police personnel, place the item(s) in a folder or large envelope to protect them and tell others not to handle them.
  • Immediately call (x2222) to notify University Police.Safeguard the received material until it is given to the proper authority.
  • Safeguard the received material until it is given to the proper authority.

 Suspicious Package: If a suspicious package or device is found, immediately notify University Police. Do not touch or handle any suspicious item! Do NOT use the fire alarm. Request all persons to leave the room the package is in. If the package is a suspected bio-hazard (e.g. Anthrax): It is unlikely that any threat of exposure to a bio-hazard, such as anthrax, will be found, but the potential exists. All such threats should be taken seriously.


  • Powdery substance felt through or appearing on the package or envelope.
  • Oily stains, discoloration, or odor.
  • Lopsided or uneven envelope.
  • Excessive packaging material such as masking tape, string, etc.
  • Excessive weight.

Handling Suspected Packages or Envelopes

  • Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious package or envelope.
  • Do not carry the package or envelope, show it to others or allow others to examine it.
  • Put the package or envelope down on a stable surface. Do not sniff, touch, taste, or look closely at it or at any contents that may have spilled.
  • Alert others in the area. Leave the area. Close any doors and assemble outside the room鈥檚 entrance. Take actions to prevent others from entering the area
  • WASH hands with soap and water to prevent spreading potentially infectious material to face or skin.
  • Notify MSU Billings Police, by calling (x2222), and your supervisor. If making the call from an outside line dial (406) 657-2222.
  • If possible, create a list of persons who were in the room or area when the suspicious letter or package was recognized and a list of persons who also may have handled it.
  • Await arrival of assistance.

Bomb Threat Evacuation: Is entirely different from a fire evacuation. The use of fire alarms is not recommended since it does not allow for a controlled evacuation. Upon locating or being advised of a bomb/bio-chemical threat, the building manager will cordon off the area, wait until University Police arrives, and then consult with them for an evacuation decision. If there is no suspected device known, the decision to evacuate rests entirely with the person responsible for the control of the threatened building. If a device has been located, it is the responsibility of the University police to order immediate evacuation (in all cases). If a decision to evacuate is made, a uniformed police officer, going room-to-room, will notify occupants of the decision to evacuate. If evacuation takes place, do not reenter until the building has been searched and declared safe by the authority having jurisdiction. Primary evacuation routes must be searched prior to ordering an evacuation unless the on-scene police officer determines otherwise.