Phone Threat, Mail Threat, E-mail Threat and Suspicious Object

If you receive a telephone threat:

  • Listen carefully and take notes. Check the caller ID on the phone and write down the number from which the call originated. Be polite and show interest. Try to keep the caller talking so that you can gather more information. 
  • Notify University Police at (x2222).
  • Write down as many details as you can for a police report. Those details should include:
    • Date and time of call.
    • The type of threat referenced in the call.
    • Exact words used by person placing the call.
    • Caller鈥檚 identity including gender, voice characteristics, accent and apparent manner  
  • Do not discuss the threat with others. 
  • Follow the University Police鈥檚 instructions. If evacuation is ordered, take note, but do not touch anything that is unusual or out of place in your work area.

If you receive a written threat, an e-mail threat or a suspicious parcel or if you find a suspicious object anywhere on the premises:

  • Keep everyone from handling or going near the object. 
  • Notify the University Police IMMEDIATELY. Provide information on location (using room number if possible) your name and the extension from which you are calling. 
  • Promptly write down everything you can remember about the parcel or letter. 
  • Do not discuss the threat with others. 
  • Follow the University Police鈥檚 instructions. If evacuation is ordered, take note, but do not touch anything that is unusual or out of place in your work area.