Utility Failures

Power Outage

In the event of a campus-wide outage, MSU Billings has emergency generators that will immediately provide power to limited areas on campus. To report a minor, localized power outage, call Facilities Services at 406-657-1749.

Keep flashlights and batteries at easily accessible locations throughout your work areas and/or residence.

In Case of a Major, Campuswide Power Outage:

  • Remain calm.
  • If evacuation of a building is required, see the 鈥淓VACUATION鈥 section of this guide.
  • Do not use candles or any other type of flame for lighting.
  • Prior to evacuating, laboratory personnel should secure all experiments and unplug any electrical equipment whose unsupervised operation could lead to fire, chemical release, or other unplanned condition. All chemicals used in active experiments should be closed and returned to their normal storage location (e.g., flammable storage cabinet, ventilated cabinet, refrigerator, or hazardous waste storage area). If safe to do so, provide natural ventilation by opening all windows and/or doors. If this is not possible or natural ventilation is inadequate, evacuate the laboratory until the power is restored.

If People Are Trapped in an Elevator:

  • Notify the University Police at 406-657-2222 and Facilities Services at 406-657-1749.
  • Bystanders should reassure passengers and tell them you are getting help.
  • Instruct passengers to pick up the emergency phone in the elevator so they can provide direct information to the emergency responders.
  • Stay near passengers until police or other assistance arrives, provided it is safe to stay in the building.

Water or Sewer Failure

The university community will be notified by the Emergency Notification System in case of a water or sewer failure.

Depending on the situation, university administration may provide bottled water and portable toilets.

Gas Leak

If you smell the 鈥渞otten egg鈥 smell of gas OR hear a blowing or hissing noise:

  • LEAVE the building IMMEDIATELY and move to a safe space several hundred feet from the building.
  • DO NOT use a lighter, match or candle, open flames or operate anything that could cause a spark (such as cell phones, lights, appliances, flashlights).
  • DO NOT try to shut off the gas.
  • Notify 911 AFTER leaving the building.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until authorized to do so by the University Police.

An individual exposed to natural gas for a prolonged period of time might experience the following symptoms: dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headache, and irregular breathing. Exposure to extremely high levels of natural gas can cause loss of consciousness or even death.

  • Take the victim outside immediately.
  • Call 911 to activate EMS.