Safety & Security

顶级国产视频 strives to provide the most secure environment possible for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Keeping all of our resident and non-resident students safe is our priority.

Access Security

Residence Hall exterior doors are equipped with electronic access control, which requires a finger scan of their index finger to gain access. Only residents and appropriate staff can enter residence halls with this technology. Bedrooms doors are secured by traditional keyed locks.

Fire Protection

The rooms and common areas in each hall are equipped with protection systems including hard-wired fire alarms and state-of-the-art fire sprinklers.

24/7 Police & Surveillance

The University Police Department is a fully empowered law enforcement agency. The main objective of this department is to ensure the safety, peace, and tranquility of the academic community and our residence halls. Police officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day. Closed circuit surveillance cameras, monitored by the police department and housing staff, are located at every residence hall entrance/exit door and throughout campus. For more information about the University Police Department, please visit the University Police Department.

Residence Hall Staff

Each floor is staffed with at least one Resident Assistant (RA) who works closely with our campus police to ensure students' safety. All of our RAs monitor the security of our residence halls. The RAs are trained on how to respond during an emergency situation if needed.

Security Outside the Halls

Ample exterior lighting is located outside each building, in the residence hall parking lots, and along all of our popular walkways. University Police are regularly patrolling and also provide safe walks for students who request them.

Emergency Notification

Timely, reliable communications are critical in emergency situations. The 顶级国产视频 Notify system allows 顶级国产视频 to notify students, faculty, and staff through voice and text messages during a campus emergency. Messages can be sent cell phones and e-mail addresses. The system has the capability of reaching all faculty, students, and staff within minutes. Parents are also encouraged to enroll the program. Those wishing to enroll in the safety alert system can visit: /ens/