Advising Information

Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor each semester to confirm that their Plan of Study is accurate and complete. If necessary, changes and updates should be made in order to ensure that program requirements can be completed in a timely manner. Faculty advisors work with students to explore appropriate internships, cooperative education placements and/or experiential learning opportunities which will enhance the student鈥檚 academic program. In addition, advisors provide assistance in selecting elective courses which support the student鈥檚 interests, career plans and Plan of Study.

Academic advising services for all freshmen College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences majors are provided through the Advising Center in McMullen Hall, Room 100. Upon declaring a specific major, Arts and Science majors will be assigned to a faculty advisor in their department for upper-division advising. Advising files for all upper-division students are maintained in the departmental office of the program in which the student is majoring. Although advisors are available to assist students in designing their Plans of Study, students are ultimately responsible for meeting degree requirements.

Environmental Studies Internships

A work-world environmental internship involving at least 60 work hours is required for graduation.  You will gain valuable experience in your field before you graduate--experience that can set you apart from your competition.  While you're still in school, The following have provided or will provide internships for EVST students:

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)



Yellowstone National Park Services

National Park Services-Mojave National Preserve

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Indian Health Services

Big Sky Animal Private Refuge

Student Services & Organizations

Intertribal Indian Club

To assist Indian students in their adjustment to college life, to promote better scholastic ability through encouragement to other students to attend a college, to foster pride in the racial and cultural heritage of the American Indian and to encourage participation in social activities.  Also to help build a bond with Native American culture and Native community as well as produce an annual Pow Wow.