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In addition to the annual faculty exhibit and the annual student show, the Northcutt Steele Gallery strives to exhibit the work of national and international professional artists. These artists are selected by a gallery committee to supplement and complement faculty interests and to expose students to trends of global contemporary art.

When possible visiting artists, arts professionals, and critics are invited to visit campus for short-term residencies, to present talks about their art and professional experiences, to share practical experience through workshops, to offer critiques of student work, and to share perspectives on the central role contemporary art plays in our evolving global visual culture. These gallery programs introduce students to various artistic techniques and media, offer insight into the professional life of an artist, and provide opportunities for our campus to interface with our communities.

If you would like to help sponsor exhibitions or programs at the Northcutt Steele Gallery with a donation please contact the .

All donations, whatever size, are greatly appreciated.