September 9 – October 9, 2015
Reception September 17th, 5–7pm, 1st Floor of LA Building

PhotographyInspired by the essay “A Room of One’s Own,” by Virginia Woolf, the group exhibition, A Space of One’s Own, explores how women struggle to find their place in the artistic community. Woolf observes that in order to be a successful writer, a woman must create an individualized space that allows her to articulate how she fits into a world that is predominantly male and to develop a creative voice distinct from the influence of those around her. The same might be said for female artists. To find a place within the art community a female artist must first establish where she fits into her surrounding space. 

Featuring the self-portraiture of young, emerging artists from the Billings area, A Space of One’s Own draws together the works of three artists. The photography and installation works of Sydne Sherman, Breanna Shermer, and Ellen Kuntz could all be viewed as responses to Virginia Woolf’s advice. Each artist transforms the gallery space and/or pays particular attention to the representation of self within various, familiar spaces to communicate a personal vision.

The exhibition is curated by Jamie Winter, a recent Ƶ Department of Art graduate and former Northcutt Steele Gallery assistant.

There will be an artist reception from 5–7pm on September 17th in the Montana State University Billings Outer Gallery located on the first floor of the Liberal Arts Building.

Gallery hours are 8am–4pm, Monday through Friday. The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public.