August 20, 2008



Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269
Tom Dell, Department of Rehabilitation, 896-5837


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — A world-renowned expert in cognitive behavioral therapy will be at Montana State University Billings in September to provide two days of presentations on therapy, theory and practice.


Dr. Donald Meichenbaum, one of the founders of cognitive behavioral therapy and rated by North American psychologists as “one of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the past century,” will present a two-day workshop at MSU Billings during the Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors Association annual fall conference. The Sept. 24-25 conference is being co-sponsored by the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Services of the College of Allied Health Professions.
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Meichenbaum will present one day on cognitive behavioral therapy with adults and one day on cognitive behavioral therapy with children, adolescents and their families.  Space may be limited, so anyone wishing to take part in the conference should register soon.  The conference, which costs $250 for LCPCA members and $295 for non-members, is open to anyone, but health care professionals are especially invited to attend.


A Distinguished Professor Emeritus  at the University of Waterloo, Onrtario , Canada, Meichenbaum is presently Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Maimi. He is also Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention in Miami.


He has published extensively, including two clinical handbooks on treating adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and treating individuals with anger-control problems and aggressive behaviors. He has lectured and consulted internationally and he has worked with a wide variety of clinical populations including children, adolescent and adult psychiatric patients who have a history of victimization, returning soldiers, individuals with traumatic brain injuries and Native populations.


This is an opportunity to hear from one of the most noted theorists in past century and conference organizers say early registration is important.


For more information on the conference, contact Tom Ferro, President of LCPCA at To register or see a complete agenda, go to the conference website at and click on “upcoming conferences.”