January 9, 2008



Holly Nault Pullar, 690-5422
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — A free readers’ theater event featuring three one-act plays by local authors will be held at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 18 at Ƶ.


The event will take place in the theater in Room 620 of the Liberal Arts Building on the main campus, 1500 University Drive. The public is invited to attend this Yellowstone Writers Collective reading and make comments on the pieces.


The evening includes a reading of Holly Nault Pullar’s “Inside Out;” Cathy Ulrich’s “The Sound of Bells;” and a staged performance of Dave Caserio’s “William Cumbry Moss.”


For more information, contact Pullar at 690-5422.