November 14, 2008



Rachel Schaffer, MSU Billings Sigma Tau Delta advisor, 657-2954
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269



Date: Saturday, Dec. 6
Place: Shrine Auditorium, 1125 Broadwater Ave.
Time: Noon-5 p.m.
Admission: $3 for admission into the Family Tree Center’s Festival of Trees


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Book aficionados from around the region can find kindred spirits, opportunities to meet regional authors and find holiday ideas at the 2008 Montana Writers Roundup in early December.


The 2008 Montana Writers Roundup will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6, from noon-5 p.m., at the Shrine Auditorium, 1125 Broadwater Ave., in conjunction with the Family Tree Center's Festival of Trees. Included in the event is a book sale/book signing by local and regional writers and a raffle for a basket of books.


Authors who will be available for friendly discussions, readings and book signing throughout the afternoon include:

  • Dan Aadland
  • Meridith B. Cox
  • BilliJo Doll
  • Tami Haaland
  • Craig Johnson
  • Mick Kaser
  • Lisa Kemmerer
  • Dorothy Larson
  • Earlene Meyer
  • Harley O’Donnell
  • Bernie Quetchenbach
  • Russell Rowland
  • Lela and Harry Schlitz and their sled dog Pixie
  • Karen Stevens
  • Dick Wheeler

Other authors may come and go throughout the afternoon.


As part of the annual Writers Roundup, a deluxe basket of signed books and gift certificates will also be raffled off. Tickets, available at the event, cost only $1 each or six for $5. The drawing will be held at 4:30 p.m. and you need not be present to win.


The Montana Writers Roundup is presented annually by Sigma Tau Delta, the MSU Billings branch of the international English honor society, a nonprofit academic organization. Sigma Tau Delta uses its share of the proceeds to support a variety of English scholarships, awards, and activities.


For more information, please contact Rachel Schaffer, MSU Billings faculty advisor, at 657-2954 or