October 14, 2008



Pat Reuss, Director, Career Services, 657-2168
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — The advisory board to the ¶¥¼¶¹ú²úÊÓƵ Office of Career Services has new members. Selected to the board at its recent quarterly meeting were:

Deane Reay, Billings School District 2; Ed Johnson, Stillwater Mining Co.; Kathy Smith, St. Vincent Healthcare; Bill McDonald, Costco; Debbie Potter, Eide Bailly; Becky Webber, Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Augie Aga, Cherry Creek Radio; Lynette Schwalbe, MSU Billings College of Education; and Robert Barnosky, president of the Associated Students of ¶¥¼¶¹ú²úÊÓƵ.  Barnosky and current advisory board member Mike Magone of i_Tech Corp., were named 2008-09 Co-Chairs of the Career Services Advisory Board. 


Returning employer members include Diane Gartner-Prchal, Head Start; Dee Dee Kane, Montana Department of Transportation; Jack Kuntz, Bureau of Indian Affairs; James Klanke, Wells Fargo; and Shane Bofto, HydroSolutions. 


Returning MSU Billings members include Dr. Doxey Hatch, College of Arts & Sciences; Jim Hughs and Vern Gagnon, College of Technology; Gary Amundson, College of Business; Dr. Diane Duin, College of Allied Health; Trudy Carey, Disability Support Services; Kathy Kotecki, Office of Community Involvement; Reno Charette, Native American Studies; Julie Seedhouse, Office of Alumni Relations; and Dr. Stacy Klippenstein, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.


Advisory board members serve two-year terms and include university andcommunity representatives whose industries align with degrees offered by MSU Billings.  They areas include banking/finance; education and human services; health care and allied health; trade and industry; wholesale/retail; professional services; transportation; non-profit; government; information technology; environmental studies/science; and communications.  


The mission of the Career Services Advisory Board is to serve as ambassador for Career Services and to act as a resource for its primary constituents: students, faculty and employers.  Learn more at www.msubillings.edu/careers


For more information, contact Patricia Reuss, director of the MSU Billings Office of Career Services, at 657-2168.