November 2, 2009



The Rev. Kim Woeste, MSU Billings Circle K advisor, 657-2165
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


Projects on display at MSU Billings Library Nov. 9-13


Bra-Nanza entry

MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Some are feathery and colorful. Others are lacey and complicated. All provide an outward display of support using clothing normally kept under wraps.


“Bra-nanza” is both a charitable event and a competition organized by the Circle K service group at Ƶ to help raise awareness of breast cancer issues. Open to university students, faculty, staff and anyone in the Billings community, “Bra-nanza” is a unique way to raise a level of awareness to breast cancer at the university.


Getting involved is easy: People need to simply register, then decorate a new or used bra to express yourself, your organization or your personal feelings and/or experience with breast cancer.


Bra-nanza entryIndividual students and student groups are working this week on bra projects that will be on display Nov. 9-13 at the MSU Billings Library on the main campus. There is no registration fee, but donations are appreciated and will be forward to Relay for Life. 


The week will also feature some speakers who will talk about the importance of breast cancer awareness, regular exams and dealing with the disease.


All decorated bras should be turned in by Friday, Nov. 6. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to pre-register by calling the Rev. Kim Woeste, Circle K advisor, at 657-2165 or by e-mailing 


Organizers said there is no reason to be shy because the effort and goodwill help raise money for a good cause.  A similar event was held last spring with good results and students involved in Circle K wanted to repeat it again in the fall.


For more information, call 657-2165.


Photos above: two of the decorated bras submitted for ‘Bra-nanza’ this past spring.