March 18, 2010



The Rev. Kim Woeste, United Campus Ministry, 657-2165
Dr. Lisa Kemmerer, Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages, 657-2936
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269 


Free event set for Thursday, March 26 at MSU Billings 


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — In the ongoing debate over the future of health care in America, little thought has been given to patriarchal way in which women are disenfranchised and treated.


poster image for gender bias forum

Those gender biases in health care will be the focus of this year’s “Stirring the Pot” forum at Ƶ. The sixth annual forum will be held on Thursday, March 25 from 7-9 p.m. in the Lewis and Clark Room of the MSU Billings Student Union Building. Admission is free and the public is encouraged to attend.


The topic — “Sex Scandals: Gender Bias in American Health Care” — is inspired by the ongoing and intense debate over the ailing health care system in the United States. Speakers will focus on various aspects of health care that are of special concern to women, including historic patriarchal blunders, reproductive rights, health care on American Indian reservations and the “medicalization” of child birth. “Sex Scandals” will challenge both men and women to rethink health care in our patriarchal society.


The first hour of this interactive event will be devoted to speakers, who will offer 10-minute presentations on their particular subject of interest. The second hour is reserved for a question-and-answer session with the audience. Speakers this year include: Stacy James, Melissa Reams, Camilla Saberhagen, Joy Honea, Reno Charette, Jen Gross and Sayra Stiltner. Speakers come from the Billings community as well as from the faculty and student body of MSU Billings.


“Stirring the Pot” forums, sponsored by the MSU Billings philosophy faculty and United Campus Ministry, showcase women’s voices and are designed to expand understanding of the world we live in and how we live in our world. 


For more information, contact the Rev. Kim Woeste, United Campus Ministry, at 657-2165, or Dr. Lisa Kemmerer, in the English, Philosophy and Modern Languages department, at 657-2936.


>  Download Promotional Poster (PDF)