March 16, 2011



Dr. Lisa Kemmerer, Department of English, Philosophy & Modern Languages, 657-2936
Kim Woeste, United Campus Ministry, 657-2165
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


Student-led discussions focus on women who turned tides of history


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — The seventh annual “Stirring the Pot” forum at Ƶ will feature student-led discussions on women in history who were change agents in history.


The event will be held Thursday, March 31 from 7-9 p.m. in the Lewis and Clark Room of the MSU Billings Student Union Building. It is free and open to anyone.


“Turning the Tide: Women of Courage, Women of Change” will highlight an array of women through the centuries who devoted their lives to speaking out against inequality, challenging injustice and fighting discrimination. Speakers will focus on a variety of American activists, including Margaret Sanger, Jane Addams, Rosalie Edge, Susan B. Anthony, Barbara Gittings, Gloria Steinem, Carolyn White, Carol Adams, Harriet Tubman and the Grimke sisters. “Turning the Tide” will explore women who inspire and motivate change, and will challenge persons to rethink their roles in society, and to consider the continued need for reform.


The first hour of this interactive event is devoted to speakers offering offer 10-minute presentations. The second hour will be used for questions and responses from the audience. Select speakers from the MSU Billings community include: Jenna Murnion, Carly Knight, Amelia McDanel, Jennifer Gross, Nicole Maas, and Anneke Johnson.


“Stirring the Pot” forums, sponsored by the MSU Billings United Campus Ministry and MSU Billings Philosophy faculty, showcase women’s voices, and are designed to expand understanding of the world we live in and how we live in our world.


For more information, contact: Lisa Kemmerer, Ƶ English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages Department  at 657-2936 ( or Kim Woeste, United Campus Ministry at 657-2165 (