September 12, 2011



Darla Tyler-McSherry, Student Health Services, 657-2564
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


Author of ’10 Seconds Will Change Your Life Forever’ to speak Thursday at MSU Billings


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — How long does it take to change a life? For Bobby Petrocelli, it was all of 10 seconds.


Bobby Petrocelli

At the hands of a drunken driver who crashed through his house, Petrocelli’s wife was killed and his life as irrevocably changed.  He chose to persevere, however, and now uses his personal examples to help others. 


His story of tragedy and personal triumph will be at the heart of a free presentation Thursday, Sept. 15 at Ƶ.


Sponsored by MSU Billings HEROES, the Associated Students of MSU Billings, Yellowjacket Athletics and the Yellowstone County DUI Task Force, Pettrocelli will present “Triumph Over Tragedy” Thursday at 7 p.m. at Petro Theatre.  The event is open to the public.


Petrocelli's story focuses on a drunken driving incident that left his life in shambles. One night he went to bed in suburban America, a happy man with a loving wife. When he woke up dazed in his kitchen, his wife was dead and his life forever changed. The pickup truck that crashed through his bedroom wall was driven by a man who was more than twice legally drunk.


Petrocelli now shares how he fought through the darkness to triumph; how he drew upon his faith and friends; and how he came to love again. As a high school teacher and coach, his love for youth inspired him to take his dramatic story to audiences nationwide.


He is the author of several books, including “10 Seconds Will Change Your Life Forever.” He is now a motivational speaker who shares with youth the power of their decisions and how to build a strong foundation for their lives.


Remarried, Petrocelli now lives with his wife, and two sons, in Florida.


For more information on the event, contact Darla Tyler-McSherry, health educator and interim director of the MSU Billings Student Health Services, at 657-2564.


PHOTO ABOVE: Bobby Petrocelli