April 8, 2013



Tamara Johnston, Extended Campus Programmer, 896-5888 or tamara.johnston@msubillings.edu
Aaron Clingingsmith, University Relations, 657-2269


girls doing experiments at Chicks in Science 2012

MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — “Chicks in Science” will be held from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 13 in Alterowitz Gymnasium on the University campus.   This year’s event will feature over 50 booths with hands-on activities in science- or math-related industry or academic fields.  The event was developed six years ago in cooperation with the local business community to encourage girls to enter math- and science-related fields. Studies show that between the fourth and eighth grades, girls start losing interest in math and science. Yet, industry surveys indicate that many emerging careers will require an understanding of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and the problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptive and collaborative skills gained through the study of these subjects.  “Chicks in Science” is free and open to the public. For more information, visit www.msubillings.edu/chicks or call 406-896-5888.


In addition to Chicks in Science, MSU Billings Downtown will host the ‘Girls STEM Collaboration Forum’ on Friday, April 12 from 1:30-4:30 p.m.  The forum is made possible by the Montana Girls STEM Collaborative Project, an organization committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue STEM careers.  Entrance to the forum is $10 per person. For additional information view the attached announcement.  for registration options. 


PHOTO ABOVE: A science experiment draws a crowd during ‘Chicks in Science’ 2012.  This year’s event will be held Saturday, April 13 in Alterowitz Gymnasium.