March 23, 2015



Sheryl Shockley, College of Arts and Sciences, 657-2348
Carmen Price, University Relations & Communications, 657-2269


painter Frida Kahlo of Mexico, peasant activist Rufina Amaya of El Salvador, and poet Alfonsina Storni of Argentina

The music theater work “Tres Vidas” celebrates the life, times and work of three significant Latin and South American Women: painter Frida Kahlo of Mexico, peasant activist Rufina Amaya of El Salvador, and poet Alfonsina Storni of Argentina.


Free and open to the public, the performance will be held March 30, at 6:30 p.m., in Cisel Recital Hall. Add this event to your calendar.


(Flyer Attached)



MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Ƶ presents the Core Ensemble in its interpretation of the lives of three legendary Latina women.


Sponsored by the Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages and the Department of Music, “Tres Vidas” will be held March 30, at 6:30 p.m., in Cisel Recital Hall, and is free and open to the public.


The music theater work “Tres Vidas” celebrates the life, times and work of three significant Latin and South American Women: painter Frida Kahlo of Mexico, peasant activist Rufina Amaya of El Salvador, and poet Alfonsina Storni of Argentina.


With story lines including Frida Kahlo’s dramatic and passionate relationship with painter Diego Rivera, Rufina Amaya’s astounding singular survival of the massacre at El Mozote, and Alfonsina Storni’s lifelong challenges as Argentina’s first great feminist poet, “Tres Vidas” presents dramatic situations timeless in their emotional appeal and connection to audiences across all gender and ethnic spectrums.


These three captivating stories, performed by Denise Estrada Peyre and accompanied by the moving sounds of The Core Ensemble, the performance features a wide stylistic range of music, including popular and folk songs of Mexico, El Salvador and Argentina, vocal and instrumental tangos as well as elements such as narrative and dance.


Since its founding in 1993, The Core Ensemble has been acclaimed for the development of a new genre of chamber music theatre works, as well as a long history of commissioning and performing contemporary chamber music.


The Core Ensemble maintains a commitment to reaching the widest possible range of audiences demographically and geographically, in formats ranging from formal performance to informal lecture and educational residency programs, according to its website.


For more information about the Core Ensemble and its musicians, visit .