January 19, 2016


Kathy Gurney, Ƶ Library Technical Services, 657-1659
University Relations & Communications, 657-2266

Story by Blair Koch, University Communications and Marketing intern


12th annual Ƶ Library Quilt Show will run from Jan. 20 to Feb 26, at the Ƶ university campus, 1500 University Dr.


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Along with students returning to class on Wednesday, the Ƶ Library’s annual Quilt Show opens.


There are 65 quilts entered into the show making this year’s display the largest yet, said Reference Librarian Megan Thomas.

“The show is a bit bigger than in the past,” Thomas said. “A few more community members got involved and that’s nice.

Now in its 12th year, the quilt show will run through Feb. 26. The exhibit is non-juried.

The quilts, hanging from the ceiling of the library, range from king-sized quilts with applique flowers to smaller quilts depicting special interests. One such quilt was entered by Mike Kok, sensei of the Japan Karate Federation at the Billings Family YMCA.

Kok received the quilt from his former student Doris Tomlinson, who put the quilt together. Her family includes a couple of black and brown belt level students who continue to study under Kok.

Kok said he received the quilt as a gift about four years ago, and decided to enter it into the quilt show to share it with the community.

“I thought it would be cool to share it with folks because not too many people get to see it,” he said.

Like many quilts, Kok’s tells a story. Its center patch represents the federation’s particular style of karate while the border’s colors are representative of the belts students earn after mastering higher levels of the sport.

The show also features quilts entered by university departments, including one submitted by Ƶ’s Alumni Relations Office. Its rich tapestry was created with a collection of several years’ worth of saved Ƶ shirts. The shirt was sponsored by the office and sewn by a former student.

The quilt show is free and open to the public from Jan. 20 to Feb. 26. during regular library hours: Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

For more information about the MSU Billings Library Quilt Show, visit www.msubillings.edu/library or contact Kathy Curney at 657-1659 or kgurney@msubillings.edu