March 8, 2016


By Blair Koch, University Communications and Marketing intern



Office of International Studies & Outreach, 657-1705
University Relations & Communications, 657-2266


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES —  What do the foods of Cameroon, Iran, South Korea and Bulgaria have in common?


They and more will be available at the Ƶ International Food Fair on March 21. The event event takes place from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Rimrock Café on the university campus. 


With delectable dishes ranging from Zambian fritters drizzled with orange syrup or French crepes topped with a variety of chocolate and jams or a traditional Iranian lamb Koobideh Kabab there is sure to be something for everyone at this year’s food fair.


Office of International Studies intern and event organizer Craig Nelstead said while food from nine nations will be represented during this year’s fair, the focus will be on edibles from Saudi Arabia, China and Iran.


“What’s really neat is that student groups prepare and cook all of these different foods and dishes from traditional recipes for our campus and community to enjoy,” Nelstead said.


Nelstead noted that foods are a great place for soft diplomacy to take place as the dinner table is a nonthreatening location to notice so many similarities and subtle differences between cultures.


“This dinner, with all of its wonderful foods, is a great place to share the wealth of cultures that are right here on campus,” Nelstead. “Plus, every year, the food is so good.”


In addition to a wide array of food from around the globe, attendees of the international food fair will have a little more insight into the cultures represented as the students preparing the food are often dressed in traditional clothing and tables are decorated with flags and traditional décor of the many countries represented.

Recipes of the food will also be available.