March 16, 2016



Stephanie Cowen, Interim Director of Student Services, 247-3005
Carmen Price, University Communications and Marketing, 657-2266


Nearly 200 regional high school students from 9 schools have registered for the annual event set for Thursday, March 17



It’s a question we have all been asked — “What do you want to be when you grow up?”


For high school students, the impending question becomes much more of a reality as they look at the job market they will soon enter.

City College at MSU Billings will lift some pressure off students’ shoulders Thursday by demonstrating several career path options during the 15th Annual Career Exploration Day.


Nearly 200 sophomore and junior high school students from nine high schools around the region are registered to attend the event that will take place in the Health Sciences and Technology buildings at City College from 8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 


Career fields ranging from medical coding to criminal justice will be featured through program demonstrations presented by City College faculty. Other demonstrations include automotive, welding, process plant technology, construction, computer programming, nursing, radiologic technology, fire science and paramedic.


The goals are to introduce students to possible career paths and to help prepare them for post-graduation plans, Stephanie Cowen, Interim Director of Student Services, said.


“We want our regional students to come and see what programs City College has to offer and get a chance to spend time with our instructors,” Cowen said. “As sophomores and juniors, it’s a good time to begin getting serious about what they want to do after high school. And, ultimately, through demonstrations, we hope students will get excited about and engage with one of our excellent programs.”


Welding instructor Trevor Brown said the preview day is a great “jump start” for students to begin considering potential career paths.


“Our goal is for students to explore the various options that are available to them through one- and two-year education, and to see the different pathways and career options their future can hold,” Brown said. 


“For that student who is not necessarily looking at six years of college and looking at other options, we help them get there,” he added.

For more information, call Cowen at 247-3005.