October 6, 2016


Ƶ dedicates Western Security Bank Technology Enhanced Interactive Learning room in the College of Business


TEIL room unveiled during ribbon cutting celebration




Cindy Millard, Ƶ Foundation, 657-2244

University Relations, 657-2266


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES – Ƶ dedicated what Foundation President and CEO Bill Kennedy called, “a new learning environment for the future,” on Wednesday: its Western Security Bank (WSB) TEIL room.


The Technology Enhanced Interactive Learning room, located at the College of Business, was made possible through a significant contribution by the bank to the Ƶ Foundation.


Bank President Mike Seppala commented to the large crowd gathered in the learning center that WSB, as well as many other businesses throughout the community, depend of the university to fill their staffing needs and the learning tools provided by TEIL will benefit everyone.


“Isn’t it great that we’re involved with a university that wants to give their students the opportunities and tools they need to succeed?” Seppala said. “We’re very happy to be here and to be a part of this.”


It took a community partnership for this technologically enhanced classroom to occur, said Chancellor Mark Nook.


“As I talk to people in the community this is the kind of technology they use all the time,” he said.


The classroom design is very distinctive and has six pods, or work stations and is loaded with Cisco SX20 and WebEx integration. Device connectivity is a breeze.


The classroom’s idea is built around collaborative group problem solving, adding the notion of video connectedness between the student collaboration groups, faculty member, and off-campus students.  


The student is then connected to their collaborative group, other classroom groups, off-campus students, faculty member, and other off-campus content resources.


According to accounting major Bryan Kern the TEIL classroom provides a very active learning environment that builds collaboration with his classmates and pushes him out of his comfort zone.


“You really have to work out conflict resolution because you post answers in front of the class and if you get it wrong, everyone knows,” Kern said. “But that is helping me work on my soft skills.”


Salem Boumediene, Ƶ College of Business professor, said utilizing the TEIL room made him adjust his teaching style.


“I realized that students learn much more from each other,” he said. “This pushes engagement and provides more interaction.”