October 20, 2016


Ƶ’s Student United Way hosts Socktober, announces fundraiser

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Student group seeks to collect pair new socks for local shelters. Bins placed at Office for Community Involvement, SUB 222, and Women and Gender Studies office in LA 201



Shayla Fox, Office for Community Involvement, 896-5815

University Relations, 657-2266


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Five hundred pairs of socks. That’s how many socks the Montana State University Billings’ Student United Way would like to collect for its Socktober sock-drive, by the end of October.


The group is encouraging students, faculty and staff to bring new socks for women, men and children to collection bins placed at the Office for Community Involvement in the Student Union Building, room 222, and the Women and Gender Studies office in the Liberal Arts building, room 201.


Student United Way Secretary Treasurer Haylee Mooney said the group will donate women’s socks to the Montana Rescue Mission but has not yet decided which shelter men’s socks will be given to.


“This effort comes from our wanting to branch out and do something that hasn’t been done before but that could still benefit the community,” Mooney said.


Later this year the club would like to prepare veteran care packages but they need more funds, which is the impetus behind its upcoming fundraiser, set for November 2nd at Buffalo Wild Wings, in Billings.


The restaurant will donate 20 percent of sales to the Student United Way when patrons present this coupon.


“We’re really excited that they are partnering with us and we hope to raise some money so we can continue to do great things for our campus and community,” Mooney said.