March 30, 2017

 Not Just Females, Not Just Athletes


Ƶ’s Women and Gender Studies Center presents discussion on women and sports led by student-athlete Rio Frame

‘Women and Sports: Not Just Females. Not Just Athletes,’ Takes place at 3 p.m., April 3 in Liberal Arts room 205. Public invited to this free event.



Jennifer Lynn, Director, Women and Gender Studies Center, 657-2873

University Relations, 657-2266


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — The Women and Gender Studies Center at Ƶ will present a discussion focusing on women and sports.


Rio Frame
The panel,“Women and Sports: Not Just Females. Not Just Athletes,”will be led by student-athlete Rio Frame from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., April 3 in LA 205 with a reception following.


The panel members include Ƶ’s Athletic Director Krista Montague, Athletic Compliance Director Rebekah Gasner, star Basketball athlete Alisha Breen, former Track and Cross Country athlete Taylor Condon, and Volleyball player Kimmy Kirk. Volunteer Women’s Cross Country and Track coach Matt Winter will also be included amongst the panel members to add insight to coaching female athletes.


“The purpose of the panel discussion is to address intersectionality in the lives of female athletes,” said Frame. “The discussion and activity will hopefully break some of the stereotypes that are held about female athletes in the general society, and bring to light the many identities that all women, not just female athletes, maintain in their daily lives. Audre Lorde states, ‘There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.’”


Director of the WGSC, Dr. Jennifer Lynn, stated that “Rio’s project is engaging and interactive. This is a great opportunity to see the great work that our students are doing.”


Frame is currently interning at the center and creates the bi-weekly newsletter, “Equality News.”


“We hope to see a great turnout from our campus community to support Rio and other female athletes,” Lynn said.


Frame, an English major, was accepted into law school at Gonzaga University where she will attend this fall.


The event is free and open to the campus and community.