Concern: Grade Appeal

Appeal Procedure

Grade appeals must be made within 15 days of official release date

Resource: AS顶级国产视频 Student Resolution Officer, (406) 657-2365, SUB 213

  1. Instructor
  2. Department Chair
  3. College Dean
  4. Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, (406) 657-2367, McM 211

Concern: Parking Ticket Appeal

Appeal Procedure

Ticket Appeals must be made within 7 days of issue

  1. Chief of Police, 406-657-2147, Southwest corner of Parking Garage
  2. Ticket Appeals Board
  3. Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, 406-657-2155, McM 208

Concern: Student Code of Conduct Decision (Part VI, 4)

Appeal Procedure

Appeals must be made within 10 business days of receipt of sanction

Student must prepare and submit a written appeal to the Vice Chancellor of Student Access and Success, McM 201, 406-657-2307.

Concern: Student Employment Grievance or Student Work Study Grievance

Appeal Procedure

Human Resources, EEO-AA Director, McM 310, (406)657-2278

Concern: Student Organization Grievance

Appeal Procedure

  1. Director for the Center for Engagement, SUB 219, 406-896-5998
  2. Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success, 406-657-2307, McM 201

Concern: Administrative Disciplinary Decision (Dept. of Housing & Residence Life) 

Appeal Procedure

Appeal must be made within 10 days of receipt of sanction

  1. Hall Director
  2. Associate Dean of Students, SUB 225, 406-657-2376
  3. Eviction Appeal: Dean of Student Engagement, SUB 223, 406-657-1660
  4. Other Disciplinary Appeal: Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success, McM 201, 406-657-2307

Concern: Affirmative Action Grievance (Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Etc.)

Appeal Procedure

Human Resources, EEO-AA Director, McM 310, 406-657-2278

Concern: General Student Grievance

Appeal Procedure

Resource: AS顶级国产视频 Student Resolution Officer, (406) 657-2365, SUB 213

  1. Individual(s) upon whose action complaint is based
  2. Immediate Supervisor (Director, Chairperson, or Dean)
  3. College Dean or Vice Chancellor
  4. Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success, McM 201, 406-657-2307

Concern: Law Enforcement Grievance (University Police Department)

Appeal Procedure

MSU Billings Police, University Police Office, S.W. Corner of Parking Garage, 406-657-2147

Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success, 406-657-2307, McM 201

Concern: Law Enforcement Grievance (Billings Police Department)

Appeal Procedure

Billings Police Dept.
220 N. 27th St., 406-657-8460