Printer-Friendly Student Policies & Procedures Handbook

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction

  1. General Policy/Overview
  2. Misconduct Authority
  3. University Name, Document and Records
  4. Formulation and Review of Regulations

Part II. Right and Responsibilities of Students in the Academic Community

  1. General Policy
  2. Student Rights
  3. Student Responsibilities
  4. Disruption or Obstruction of University Activities or Functions
  5. Affiliation
  6. Student Publications and Media
  7. Student Identification
  8. Financial Responsibility
  9. Financial Aid
  10. Health and Safety
  11. Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Part III. Student Records

  1. General policy
  2. Address of Record
  3. Student Access
  4. Records not accessible to students
  5. Authorized Non-Student Access to Student Records

Part IV. Student Complaint Procedures

  1. General Procedures
  2. Access to Personal Records
  3. Traffic and Parking Complaints
  4. Financial Aid
  5. Race, National Origin, Sex, Age or Religious Discrimination
  6. Student Employment
  7. Students with disabilities
  8. Resident/Non-Resident Classification
  9. Student Resolution Officer
  10. Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
  11. Grade Appeal Procedure

Part V. Chartering and Registration for Student Organizations

Part VI. Use of University Buildings, Space, Facilities, Amplification Equipment and Freedom of Expression

  1. General Policy
  2. Building Reservation Requirements
  3. Campus Grounds Use
  4. General Procedures and Priorities for Designated Campus Facilities
  5. Appeals for Denial of Buildings Use Requests
  6. Freedom of Expression Policy
  7. Use of Amplification Equipment

Part VII. Posting of Advertisements, Printed Material and Solicitation

  1. General Policy
  2. Posting of Advertisements, Printed Material and Publicity
  3. Fundraising and Solicitation (both on and off campus)
  4. Student Union
  5. Violations

Part VIII Liquor Consumption on 顶级国产视频 Campus

Part IX. Code of Conduct

Part X. Academic Conduct Guidelines and Grievance Procedures for Students

Part XI. Campus Departments

Part I. Introduction

A. General Policy

顶级国产视频 has regulations by which its students must abide and procedures by which its organizations function. These regulations are necessary to provide a campus atmosphere conducive to the intellectual and personal development of all students within the University community. 

By enrolling at the University, a student does not surrender any rights; similarly, a registered organization does not give up any of its rights. Both organizations and students have a responsibility to balance these rights by abiding by the rules and regulations of the University. The Student Policies and Procedures Handbook contains policies that affect students and organizations. Within this Handbook and other official University publications are the rules and regulations that govern student and organizational behavior. 

B. Misconduct Authority

The authority to enact and enforce regulations of the University is vested in the Board of Regents. The responsibility for enforcing regulations and imposing penalties is delegated to the Chancellor and any University officials the Chancellor may designate. The Chancellor has drawn a distinction between academic and non-academic misconduct. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success is the principal agency for the administration of student code compliance and shall implement the student code compliance procedures. The Office of the Provost and Academic Vice Chancellor is the principal agency for the administration of the Academic Conduct Guidelines and Grievance Procedures for Students. All references to the Chancellor of the University or the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success shall also be interpreted to include persons designated to act on behalf of these officials.

C. University Name, Document, and Records

The use by any person or organization of the University鈥檚 name or any of its registered trademarks in connection with any program, product, or activity without the prior written permission of the Administrative Vice Chancellor, or any unauthorized use of University documents, records, or seal is prohibited.

D. Formulation and Review of Regulations

Any student, faculty, or staff member can recommend revisions, additions, or deletions to the policies contained in this document. Recommendations should be submitted to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success. A review of this document is completed on an annual basis. 

Part II. Rights and Responsibilities of Students in the campus Community

A. General Policy

顶级国产视频 is a community of scholars and members of such University communities have traditionally recognized their individual responsibilities in the development of a mature and sophisticated society.

By enrolling in the University, the student neither loses the rights nor escapes the duties of a citizen. Each student should conduct his/her personal life in the context of mutual regard for the rights, property, and privileges of others. Therefore, it is expected that students will demonstrate respect for the law and for the necessity of orderly conduct in the affairs of the local and campus community.

In certain circumstances where this preferred conduct fails, the University will rely upon the rules and procedures described in its Code of Conduct or Academic Misconduct to hold students accountable for maintaining the responsibilities that follow.

B. Student Rights

One of the concerns of 顶级国产视频 is to provide each student the opportunity to learn. Therefore, some personal freedoms and rights of students include, but are not limited to:

  1. Freedom of inquiry, speech, and assembly.
  2. Freedom from threats.
  3. Freedom from acts of violence.
  4. Freedom from unfair or obscene treatment from others.
  5. Freedom from interference from others in an unreasonable and unauthorized manner while in class, activities, and public events.
  6. Freedom from theft and willful destruction of personal property.
  7. Right to study and learn in an atmosphere of academic freedom.
  8. Right to procedural due process in University misconduct action.
  9. Right to be governed by justifiable academic regulations.
  10. Right to be informed in writing of the academic requirements determined by individual instructors.
  11. Right to be informed of the regulations for academic and social conduct, and graduation requirements of the University.
  12. Right to petition for redress of grievances, academic and non-academic

C. Student Responsibilities

Each student has the responsibility to:

  1. respect the rights and property of others.
  2. be fully acquainted and comply with the published rules and regulations of the University.
  3. comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
  4. recognize that student activities reflect upon the individuals involved as well as upon the entire University community.
  5. recognize the University鈥檚 obligation to provide a safe environment conducive for learning and academic inquiry.
  6. adhere to the academic requirements determined by individual instructors.
  7. abide by the reasonable direction of a University official acting within the legitimate scope of his or her duties.

D. Disruption or Obstruction of University Activities or Functions

The University is a forum for ideas and their exchange. Such exchange can only occur in a scholarly place if order is maintained and standards of decorum and good behavior are recognized by all. Therefore, any campus demonstration conducted for the purpose of expressing opinions of the participants must adhere to Freedom of Expression Policies 鈥 Part VI. F.

E. Affiliation

The representative governing body for all full-time and part-time students is the Associated Students of 顶级国产视频 (ASMSU Billings). Students may also affiliate with any of the registered student organizations at Montana State University Billings for which they are eligible for membership. Further information is in Part V of this Handbook.

F. Student Publications and Media

Any student publication shall be free of censorship. The editors shall not be arbitrarily suspended because of disapproval of editorial content. This editorial freedom carries with it the obligation of responsible journalism. All student publications must explicitly state that the opinions expressed by the publications are not necessarily those of the University or its students.

G. Student Identification

  1. All students at the University are entitled to a student identification card referred to as the U-Card.
  2. These wallet-size photo ID Cards are the property of 顶级国产视频 and the initial card is issued to students at a cost of $15.00. In order to determine the identity of individuals, University officials may request to see these cards. Refusal to present these cards by the student may result in misconduct action.
  3. To be valid, the U-Card must contain the student鈥檚 photo.
  4. Lost U-Cards should be reported immediately to U-Card Office in the Registrar鈥檚 Office (657-2023) in order to prevent unauthorized use.
  5. Students needing replacement U-Cards will be charged a $15.00 fee. The fee must be paid at the Business Office Cashier (if cash only/debit card) or at the U-Card Office in the Registrar鈥檚 Office with check or U-Card funds before the new ID picture can be taken.
  6. Photos for replacement U-Cards are made at the Registrar鈥檚 Office in McMullen Hall 1st Floor West anytime during business hours on Monday through Friday.

H. Financial Responsibility

Students are expected to be financially responsible citizens. They are responsible for meeting their financial obligations to the University and the community. Students suspended from the University for misconduct reasons have no right to a refund or cancellation of amounts due. Students may also be dis-enrolled from the University for failure to meet financial obligations.

I. Financial Aid

The University endeavors to assist students who do not have sufficient financial resources to pay educational expenses. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is responsible for administering certain financial aid funds. Students also have responsibilities which are:

  1. To apply for admission to the University.
  2. To apply for financial aid each year according to the prescribed procedure.
  3. To accept charges with the Business Office every semester.
  4. To maintain satisfactory academic progress at the University.
  5. To notify the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships of any unusual change in their situation.
  6. To notify the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships of any additional financial aid not included in the 鈥淎ward Notification鈥 or subsequent 鈥淎ward Revisions.鈥
  7. To repay within the term any over-award, loan, and/or grant resulting from the receipt of aid not included in the 鈥淎ward Notification鈥 or subsequent 鈥淎ward Revisions.鈥
  8. To notify the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships of changes in enrollment status.
  9. To sign for all funds disbursed on their behalf.
  10. To use funds solely for educational purposes.
  11. To notify the Registrar鈥檚 Office of all address and phone number changes.
  12. To notify the lender when enrolled as less than a half-time student.

J. Health and Safety

  1. Students at the University have the responsibility to help contribute to the general health and security of the campus. Therefore, individuals and organizations should take reasonable precautions for the safety and health of all members of the University community.
  2. Students should expect misconduct action to be taken against them by either University, civil authorities, or both, if they:
    1. conduct themselves in a manner that significantly endangers the health and safety of other persons on campus.
    2. engage in behavior that is prohibited by federal, state, or local law.
  3. The unauthorized possession, ignition, or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks, liquid, or object which is flammable which could cause damage to persons or property or cause disruption to campus activities is forbidden, unless authorized by the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success and University Police.
  4. Tobacco Free Policy

The use, sale, or distribution of tobacco products is prohibited on all properties owned, operated, or leased by 顶级国产视频.

a. Definition of tobacco

Tobacco is defined as all tobacco鈥恉erived or containing products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks), cigars and cigarillos, hookah鈥 smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff). Additionally, any nicotine delivery device that has not been approved by the FDA for cessation is included in this policy.

b. Usage

The usage of tobacco by students, employees, visitors, guests, and contractors is prohibited on all properties owned, operated, or leased by MSU Billings.

c. Defined tobaccofree environments

Tobacco is prohibited on all property owned, operated, or leased by MSU Billings and satellite campuses, including:

      1. all interior space on the MSU Billings campus and property leased by MSU Billings
      2. all outside property or grounds on MSU Billings campuses, including areas such as walkways, parking lots, sky bridges, and patios;
      3. all outside property leased by MSU Billings;
      4. all vehicles owned or leased by MSU Billings;
      5. all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities.

d. Sale, distribution and advertising of tobacco products

The sale of tobacco products and tobacco鈥恟elated merchandise (including logo鈥恈ontaining items) is prohibited, regardless of the vendor. The distribution or sampling of tobacco products is prohibited on all property owned, operated, or leased by MSU Billings, regardless of the vendor. All tobacco industry promotions, advertising, marketing, and distribution are prohibited on campus owned and leased properties.

e. Tobacco industry sponsorship

The sponsorship of athletic events, programs, athletes, campus groups, student organizations, events, departments and individuals by the tobacco industry and related companies is prohibited. No university publication shall accept any form of advertising of tobacco products.

The University will not accept any direct or indirect funding from tobacco companies.

f. Littering

The littering of campus owned, operated or leased property with tobacco products is prohibited.

g. Public events

MSU Billings offers a wide range of public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events, and sporting events on campus owned and leased properties. All organizers and participants of these events are required to abide by MSU Billings鈥 tobacco鈥恌ree policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.

h. Exceptions

The following activities may be conducted as exceptions to the policy subject to advance approval as indicated.

      1. The use of tobacco products in laboratory and classroom instruction/experiments, or for artistic purposes. All research, educational, and/or artistic purposes that involve the use of tobacco on campus must be approved in advance by the Provost or designee. Such use must be preceded by reasonable advance notice to the public. Nothing in this policy is intended to prohibit research on tobacco companies or tobacco products.
      2. Specific activities used in connection with the practice of cultural activities by American Indians that are in accordance with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 42 U.S.C. sections 1996 and 1996a allow for the use of ceremonial tobacco. All ceremonial use exceptions must be approved in advance by the Chancellor or designee.

K. Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by Montana State University Billings employees and its students on institutional property or at any of its activities is prohibited. 顶级国产视频 will uphold the standards of conduct which prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by its employees and students.

顶级国产视频 will impose misconduct sanctions (consistent with local, state, and federal laws), and consistently enforce such sanctions, relating to the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by its employees and students. Violations of this policy will result in misconduct action up to and including termination and may have legal consequences. (Refer to MSU Billings Personnel Management Memo #21A.) In the case of an enrolled student, suspension or expulsion from the institution may be appropriate. Specific misconduct procedures and sanctions for students involved in these unlawful activities are outlined in the Code of Conduct. At the option of 顶级国产视频, an employee or student violating this policy may be required to satisfactorily complete a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as an alternative to termination, suspension, or expulsion.

Information regarding health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol, as well as alcohol counseling treatment and rehabilitation programs for students and employees is available from Student Health Services or the Employee Wellness Program Office.

Part III. Student Records

A. General Policy

Policies and procedures concerning student records are based on respect for the privacy of the individual. To minimize the risk of improper disclosure, academic records are maintained separately from misconduct records. The conditions for access to each are set forth in this Handbook.

Transcripts of academic records include information about a student鈥檚 academic status, except in cases where a student was suspended for misconduct reasons. Upon graduation, notations of misconduct suspension are removed from the permanent academic record. Information from misconduct and counseling files is not made available to unauthorized persons on campus or to any person off campus without the expressed written consent of the student involved, except under legal compulsion or where the safety of other persons may be involved. See 鈥淩elease of Information鈥 note in General Bulletin for details.

顶级国产视频 maintains students鈥 records in various academic and administrative offices on campus. The chief administrative officer in each office is responsible for the student records under his or her control and for the release of information in those records.

Generally, the student鈥檚 social security number and/or birth date is used for matriculation and record identification purposes. However, a randomly generated identification number is assigned to each student for registration and records.

Department Type of Record

Academic Chairpersons

Academic records
Admissions Admissions records
Registrar Academic records
International Student records
Athletic Department Student Athlete records
Business Office Financial Obligatory records
University Police Campus Security records
Career & Employment Services Job Placement records
College Deans Academic records
Disability Support Services Disability Documentation
Financial Aid & Scholarships Financial Aid records
Graduate Studies Academic/Admissions records
Housing & Residence Life Housing/Misconduct records
Human Resources Personnel records of employed students
Student Health Services Medical records/Counseling records
Dean of Student Engagement Student Code Compliance records

The procedures set forth on the following pages apply to all persons formerly or currently enrolled at 顶级国产视频.

B. Address of Record

  1. Students must maintain an address of record in the Registrar鈥檚 Office. The address, unless otherwise indicated, is public information and shall be used for official notification, including notification of misconduct procedures.
  2. Students must notify the Registrar鈥檚 Office of any change in address.
  3. Students living in the residence halls must notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life of any change in permanent home address.

C. Student Access

All current and former students of the University have the right to access their 鈥渆ducational records鈥 as provided by law.

  1. Students may obtain copies of records relating to themselves at their expense. The reproduction charge shall not exceed the actual cost to the University.
  2. The University will respond to all requests for explanations and interpretations of records or information, if the response does not violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
  3. A student may waive the right of access to confidential letters of recommendation in the areas of admissions, job placement, and receipt of awards. A student seeking employment through Career & Employment Services may sign a waiver. Personally identifiable information such as rank in class, personal conduct, grade point average, academic progress, etc. shall not be released to non-authorized personnel without the expressed written consent of the student.

D. Records Not Accessible to Students

  1. Instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel records, and the student鈥檚 educational personnel records, are the sole possession of the author and not revealed to any person other than a substitute (i.e., grade books, notes of observation, and notes for recollection purposes).
  2. Employment records of a University employee who is not a student.
  3. Student health records, as contained in the Health Care Information Act (Section 5016-5012).

While not considered 鈥渆ducational鈥 records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the mentioned statute still allows the patient, in most instances, to access his/her records. The general rule of confidentiality contains an exception when the patient or someone authorized to act on his/her behalf submits a written request for and consent to the release of her/his records. Consent must be in writing and signed by the patient, or legal guardian if patient is a minor. A physician shall furnish copies of medical records requested in accordance with the consent provided, except if the physician determines that access to the information would be harmful to the physical, mental, or emotional health of the patient.

E. Authorized Non-Student Access to Student Records

Educational records (or personally identifiable information within a record) may be released without the written consent of the student to:

  1. Officials, faculty, and staff employed by the University, if they have a 鈥渓egitimate educational interest.鈥
  2. Officials of other educational institutions in which the student intends 鈥渙r seeks鈥 to enroll, if the student is notified of what is being released and given a copy if desired.
  3. Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, and administrative heads of educational agencies, or state educational authorities.
  4. Individuals needing this information in connection with a student application for, or receipt of, financial aid.
  5. Organizations, such as Educational Testing Service administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction. The organizations must not show the personally identifiable information to outsiders and the information must be destroyed when no longer needed for audit, evaluation, or compliance with federal requirements.
  6. Accrediting organizations.
  7. Appropriate persons, if necessary, to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
  8. Individuals requiring such information by means of a judicial order or any lawfully issued subpoena, on condition that the student is notified by the University of all such orders and subpoenas in advance of compliance.

Part IV. Student Complaint Procedures

A. General Procedures

When a student has a concern about the action of a particular individual or department, the complaint initially should be directed to the person(s) responsible for the individual or department as noted in the University organizational structure. Certain expeditious procedures to redress specific complaints are outlined on the following pages.

B. Access to Personal Records

Policy and procedures concerning student records are based on respect for the privacy of the individual. Guidelines governing student access to individual records and procedures for challenging information on these records can be found in Part III of the Student Policies and Procedures Handbook.

C. Traffic and Parking Complaints

All students driving a car and parking on campus must register that vehicle and display the proper parking permit. Students may appeal violation citations to the parking office through MYINFO by filing a notice of appeal. Bonds must be posted in the same amount as the fine that would be imposed. Appeals are heard and decided upon by the 顶级国产视频 Traffic Appeals Committee. A copy of Montana State University Billings Traffic and Parking Regulations is on file at the parking office or online.

D. Financial Aid

Specific rules, regulations, and eligibility requirements for obtaining and maintaining financial aid can be found in the catalog, on the university website, and Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships. All complaints should be sent in writing to the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

E. Race, National Origin, Sex, Age, or Religious Discrimination

顶级国产视频 is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran鈥檚 status, sex, age, political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Such an environment is necessary to a healthy learning, working, and living atmosphere because discrimination and harassment undermine human dignity and the positive connection among all people at our University. Acts of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and retaliation will be addressed consistent with the Policy on .

All complaints regarding discrimination in the areas covered under this section, if not otherwise resolved, should be registered with the Human Resources/EEO-AA/Title IX Coordinator Office, McMullen Hall 310, Phone (406) 657-2278.

F. Student Employment

顶级国产视频 is an equal opportunity employer. Students should initiate discrimination complaints with the Office of Human Resources. Please refer to the Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action policy statement for more information. 

G. Students with Disabilities

顶级国产视频 does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or in access to programs.

Students with disabilities have the right to access programs and services at Montana State University Billings as stated in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which states:

鈥淣o otherwise qualified disabled individual . . . shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance . . .鈥 and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which states: 鈥 . . . no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity . . . no individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of any place of public accommodation.鈥

Students with disabilities have the responsibility to identify themselves and request appropriate accommodations and reasonable modifications and are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services in the College of Education, Room 135, (406) 657-2283 (V/TTY/VP). 

If students with disabilities have a complaint, prior to filing a formal grievance, they are encouraged to attempt to resolve any problems relating to the stated provisions of Section 504 of the ADA directly with the individual(s) involved, or seek advice and/or assistance from the Director of Disability Support Services. Students will find that most situations can be effectively addressed in this manner.

To file a formal grievance, students may obtain the ADA grievance procedure from the Director of Disability Support Services or the Director of Human Resources.

Any student seeking remedy on the basis of disability must register as a person with a disability with the Director of Disability Support Services and must provide all required documentation of disability. Contact Disability Support Services for more information about 顶级国产视频鈥 policy concerning documentation.

H. Resident/Non-Resident Classification

The residency status of a student is set by policy established by the Board of Regents. A copy of the regulations used to interpret and establish residency status is available in the Registrar鈥檚 Office. Complaints regarding residency status should be filed with the Registrar鈥檚 Office, which will make a determination. Contested decisions are heard by the Chancellor. 

I. Student Resolution Officer

The Associated Students of 顶级国产视频 (AS顶级国产视频) employ a Student Resolution Officer (SRO) to assist students with various academic and non-academic questions and concerns. The purpose of the Student Resolution Officer is to help students resolve problems at the lowest possible organizational level, refer them to the appropriate University officer for assistance if necessary, and provide support and guidance to them as they follow the student complaint resolution procedure. The Student Resolution Officer (SRO) is located in the ASMSU Billings Student Senate Office in the Student Union Building, Room 213, and can be contacted at 657-2365.

J. Student Complaint Resolution Procedure

When a student has good cause to believe that he/she has a complaint, he/she may utilize the following procedure. The student may meet with the Student Resolution Officer (SRO) to discuss the complaint, clarify the details of the complaint, identify a desired resolution to the complaint, and submit written documentation to clearly state the nature of the complaint. Complaints of sexual harassment (including sexual violence) by students will be referred to the Title IX Coordinator/Human Resources Office, McMullen Hall 310, Phone (406) 657-2278

鈥淐omplainant,鈥 when used in this section, refers to the student making the complaint. The individual(s) upon whose action the complaint is based (respondent) has the right and obligation to attend complaint resolution meetings. Failure of either party(s) to attend reasonably scheduled meetings or hearings shall constitute forfeiture of the right to participate in the complaint resolution process at that step. The SRO can help schedule and confirm meetings. In such instances the Campus Hearing Committee shall proceed as indicated in Step IV.

Step I - The student, after meeting with the SRO, will confer with the faculty or staff member against whom the complaint exists. If resolution cannot be reached through discussion, the complaint must be put in writing to ensure that all parties understand the issues. 

Step II - If the student feels the complaint is unresolved after the Step I meeting, the student must then attempt a resolution through discussion with the Department Chair (or supervisor in the case of a staff member) or, in the event the complaint is against a Department Chair or supervisor, with the appropriate Dean or Vice Chancellor. This meeting must take place within ten (10) University business days of the Step I conference with the faculty or staff member and written documentation from Step I must be provided.

Step III - If the student feels that the complaint is unresolved after the Step II meeting, the student shall request a meeting with the appropriate next-level supervisor (Dean, Provost, Vice Chancellor) in an effort to informally resolve the complaint through discussion. This meeting must take place within fifteen (15) University business days of the Step II meeting or within twenty-five (25) University business days of the Step I meeting. In the case that the Step II meeting was with a Dean or Vice Chancellor, the process will move directly to Step IV.

Step IV - If the complainant feels that the complaint is unresolved after the Step III meeting, the complainant may, within ten (10) University business days, file the written complaint as a formal complaint with the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success. The Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success will review the complaint and make and will contact the Complainant and SRO regarding outcome. The Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success can refer the complaint to the Chancellor for final determination or resolution. In the event the complaint is against the Chancellor, the final disposition of the complaint rests with the President of Montana State University.

PLEASE NOTE: Online students who are distant from campus will participate in this process via telephone and teleconference in Steps I, II and III. In the case of a Step IV complaint, other technology may be employed or the student may choose to physically come to campus for the hearing.

A complaint against a faculty member shall not result in the forfeiture of said faculty member鈥檚 rights as protected under the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Montana State University Billings Faculty Association and the Montana University System.

K. Grade Appeal Procedure

Refer to the Academic Conduct Guidelines and Grievance Procedures for Students for details.

Part V. Chartering & Registration Procedures for Student Organizations

All student organizations must register each year and attend an information session. Any student interested in joining an organization may review the list of current active student organizations at the Center for Engagement (SUB 219), and the student staff will assist with contacting the organization. Students interested in chartering a new student organization or re-activating an inactive organization can do so through an outlined process.

Contact the Center for Engagement (SUB 219, 657-2387) for more information.

Part VI. Use of University Buildings, Space, Facilities, Amplification Equipment and Freedom of Expression

A. General Policy

Buildings and facilities on the University campus are intended primarily for the support of the on-going instructional program of the institution. Second priority is given to programs sponsored and conducted by University academic and administrative departments or organizations that are affiliated with such departments. Beyond these two (2) priorities, use of campus buildings and facilities is permitted and encouraged for activities which are intended to serve or benefit the entire University community, and which are sponsored by active chartered student organizations.

Permission to use academic and non-academic campus buildings and facilities is coordinated through the Center for Engagement. A department, student, or campus organization may not reserve buildings or facilities on campus and then permit it to be used by a non-registered organization or off-campus group or person.

The use of buildings and grounds must at all times conform to these regulations, the Montana University System Board of Regents Policy on Competition with the Private Sector, and any other applicable local, state, or federal law. For additional information concerning building and facilities use polices, contact the Center for Engagement at (406) 657-2387.

B. Building Reservation Requirements

Reservations must be made for use of buildings or facilities under the control of the University. Reservation requests will be granted in accordance with the priorities and policies of the designated area. Reservation requests may be made to the Center for Engagement Office.

  1. Student organizations must be registered as an active organization with the Center for Engagement in order to use University buildings.
  2. A group of students that has initiated the process of chartering a new student organization may hold up to three (3) meetings in the Student Union, pending action on chartering paperwork. These meetings must be held within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the group has filed its intent to charter as an organization. No other campus facilities may be reserved by student organizations during the chartering process.
  3. The privilege of using campus buildings and facilities is granted each year after a student organization has completed the annual registration process. The process is completed during the first month of the academic year.

C. Campus Grounds Use (Center for Engagement, 657-2387)

  1. Selected grounds areas (other than those described previously) are available for activities (programs or events) that are sponsored and approved by University departments, active chartered student organizations, or individual students and employees. Academic use by departments and colleges has priority, and assignments may be changed or canceled if conflicts with regular academic programs develop. Those wishing to use campus grounds for events should contact Center for Engagement for a Ground Use Events Form. Areas include: Student Union Patio, Campus Lawn, Cisel Field, Library Field, and designated areas within the Peaks to Plains Park.

D. General Procedures and Priorities for Designated Campus Facilities

1. Student Union Building (657-2387)

Meeting space in the Student Union is generally scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. If a space is requested by more than one group at the same time, the following priority system is followed.

    1. First priority is given to active chartered student organizations and University departments.
    2. Second priority is given to non-college groups that are sponsoring meetings that meet the usage requirements and/or policies of the Student Union, the University, and the MUS Board of Regents.

2. Academic Building Classroom or Auditorium Space

Initial requests can be made to the Center for Engagement, 657-2387. No space assignments will be made during final examination periods unless by special permission from the Provost and Academic Vice Chancellor. Academic use by departments and colleges has priority over other uses. Organization assignments may be changed or canceled if conflicts with regular academic programs develop.

    1. Any active chartered student organization affiliated with, and sponsored by, an academic department may request the use of space in academic buildings for specific purposes. These purposes may include, but are not limited to, regular meetings of honorary or professional organizations, lectures, seminars, or workshops, and special programs, e.g., band functions.
    2. Active chartered student organizations not affiliated with or sponsored by academic departments may request the use of space in academic facilities. This space will be assigned on a 鈥渓imited鈥 basis under the following conditions:
      • No suitable space is available in the Student Union.
      • The intended use is in keeping with the educational purposes of the University.
      • The intended use does not conflict with use by academic programs or academic/departmental organizations.

3. Physical Education, Recreation and Athletic Facilities

The P.E. Building, tennis courts, and practice and playing fields are owned and maintained by the University for the primary use and benefit of the instructional, intercollegiate, recreational, and intramural athletic programs of the University, of allied non-college activities consistent with such programs, and of official events of the University. The use of these facilities shall be limited to these purposes unless otherwise authorized. All requests must be made to the P.E. Building Manager (657-2370) to be reviewed for approval.

4. Residence Hall Facilities (657-2333)

Common area spaces (i.e., lobbies, lounges, TV rooms, courtyards, balconies, foyers, etc.) are reserved for use by residents residing in that particular building or area.

5. Use of outdoor University space shall be allowed in accordance with the University Freedom of Expression Policy (Part VI F.)

E. Appeals for Denial of Building Use Requests

(Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success 657-2307)

1. Students, student organizations, or campus departments whose requests for the use of buildings or non-academic facilities are denied may appeal with the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success in accordance with the following procedures:

    1. The student or organization must file a written appeal describing the objections to the denial in the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success Office no later than five (5) University business days after receiving notice of the denial from the Center for Engagement.
    2. The Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success shall convey the appeal decision, in writing, to the student or organization and to the Center for Engagement within a reasonable time after receiving the appeal, but no later than ten (10) University business days from the receipt of the written appeal.

2. The decision of the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success is final.

F. Freedom of Expression Policy

MSU Billings supports and encourages diverse points of view, though they may seem distasteful or offensive to some, as this is the nature of the University鈥檚 educational responsibility and is safeguarded by the freedom of expression. The acceptance of diversity is a fundamental tenant of the university system and is instrumental to the creation of new discourses and the weighing of different views. MSU Billings recognizes the First Amendment rights to expression. These rights include individual and group activities including but not limited to:

  • Assembling,
  • Demonstrating,
  • Signing,
  • Pamphleting,
  • Structuring, and
  • Political campaigning.

1. The right to freedom of speech includes exercising it responsibly, including abiding by the following:

    1. The use of violence, or credible threats of violence, is strictly prohibited.
    2. Activities which infringe upon the rights of another person are prohibited in accordance with Part II, B. and C. of this handbook.
    3. Activities may not obstruct the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on campus.
    4. Activities may not use sound amplification except with prior written approval in accordance with Part. VI, H. of this handbook.
    5. Activities may not block the entrances or exits to any campus building or facility.
      1. A distance of 50 feet from any building or facility must be kept to alleviate the interruption of the flow of campus community traffic.
      2. To exercise expression at closer than this buffer area, permission must by granted in writing by the Center for Engagement in conjunction with University Police.
      3. No expression activities are allowed within any university buildings, facilities, stadiums, or temporary event facilities such as tents etc., unless the facility use is duly approved in accordance with Part VI of this handbook.
    6. Printed materials, writing, or other tangible means of expression may not be attached to University property, including sidewalks, trees, walls, or other property (including on vehicles parked on campus), except that such materials may be placed on outdoor bulletin boards designated as public bulletin boards. All postings on public bulletin boards will be removed at regular intervals.
    7. Printed materials, writings, or other tangible means of expression may not be placed on any interior surface of any University building without the written permission of the relevant Building Manager and in accordance with the rules established for each building as outlined in Part VII of this handbook.
    8. Activities may not disrupt, block, or physically displace performers/programs that have reserved a venue or facility.
    9. Individuals or groups may not permanently occupy land areas or permanently place signs and posters. This prohibition includes but is not limited to the erection of permanent structures, shelters, or camps.
    10. Activities may not interfere with classes, university work, arts and cultural activities, research, or scheduled events.
    11. Individuals and organizations are responsible for cleanup and for any cleanup costs resulting to the University from their activities.
    12. Individuals and organizations are responsible for the content of any signage, pamphlets, or structure that they post, distribute, or erect on campus. Furthermore, the University reminds any organization distributing materials to be aware of laws concerning defamation, obscenity, fair labor practices, etc.

G. Use of Amplification Equipment

1. Permission for Use

The use of loudspeakers or any other type of amplification equipment or amplified musical instruments on the University grounds is by permission only.

2. Procedure

    1. Applications for permission to use amplification equipment must be made in the Center for Engagement on forms provided by the office. Each use must be registered. No recurring application shall be made.
    2. Applications must be completed within one (1) week before the intended use in order to receive full consideration.

3. Restrictions

    1. The use of amplification equipment for solicitation purposes must conform to all campus grounds-use provisions specified in this part.
    2. The use of amplification equipment or loudspeakers is not permitted in the vicinity of classrooms during regularly scheduled class hours.
    3. Sound equipment must not disrupt normal functions of the University including the residence halls or disturb the surrounding community. Upon appropriate approval, band and functions and/or functions involving the amplification of music are restricted to the following times:
      • Friday 5:00 pm 鈥 12:00 am
      • Saturday 1:00 pm 鈥 12:00 am
      • Sunday 1:00 pm 鈥 5:00 pm
    4. Outdoor dances and concerts may be held in approved locations only with prior approval by the Center for Engagement. Bands must use their own sound equipment for such dances.
    5. Other special events such as pep rallies, ceremonies, or recreational activities which include the use of bands and/or amplification equipment may be held in approved locations only with prior approval of the Student Union & Activities Office.
    6. During certain times of the year atmospheric conditions may create situations which may cause sounds to be audible for great distances. Therefore, the placement of speakers and the volume of the amplified sound may need to be regulated either prior to or during the course of all outdoor functions which utilize amplification equipment. The Center for Engagement and the 顶级国产视频 University Police Department shall make such determinations.
    7. Failure of a sponsoring organization to comply with all requirements of the amplification policy shall lead to the immediate termination of the function and will subject the group to appropriate misconduct action.

Part VII. Posting of Advertisements, Printed Material, and Solicitation

A. General Policy

No commercial solicitations or advertisements, and no commercial sales, displays, or distributions of publications on the campus are permissible except as provided for below.

B. Posting of Advertisements, Printed Material, and Publicity

  1. General Provisions
    1. All guests, students, faculty and staff must adhere to all provisions and regulations provided under Freedom of Expression policies, which include regulations related to posting materials in campus buildings and grounds (Part. VI, F.), and other regulations under this section.
    2. All printed materials requested to be posted in building or designated posting areas must state the name of the sponsoring student organization or department. Non-University organizations must state that they are such. Sponsor鈥檚 name must be prominently displayed. All information placed on interior bulletin boards must be approved before posting. The Center for Engagement maintains a current listing of posting locations and approval sites. Within the Student Union, easels, permanent sign holders, LED displays, display cases and boards are available for use upon request on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    3. All printed material placed on motor vehicles is prohibited unless the vehicle owner has granted prior permission.
    4. City code and state statutes prohibit notices on any curb, tree, mailbox, utility pole or public building.
    5. Materials will not be approved if they encourage the use of alcohol.
    6. Materials will not be approved if they promote or advertise an off-campus business. Exemptions are made for some entertainment or education-related community activities, and for services specifically designed for the students of the University. This will be allowed at the discretion of the building manager.
    7. Placement of printed materials such as tabloids, informational directories or guides, and magazines in common areas will be permitted at the discretion of each building manager. A list of building managers is available in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.
  2. Student Union (Room 219, 657-2387)

Printed materials to be posted in the Student Union Building must be approved and date stamped in advance by the Center for Engagement. After approval and stamping, the materials will be posted by Center for Engagement staff in the designated posting areas.

  1. Academic Buildings

Permission for distribution or display of non-academic printed materials must be approved by the appropriate building manager. A list of approved spaces or buildings to post is available in the Center for Engagement.

  1. Residence Halls

Permission for distribution and posting of printed materials regarding events or activities that are not sponsored by the University or for commercial advertisements must be approved by the Housing and Residential Life Office.

C. Fundraising and Solicitation (both on and off campus)

  1. The Center for Engagement must approve fundraising events or solicitations on behalf of charity by students or student organizations.
  2. Any student, student organization, or campus department wishing to hold a raffle must first request permission from the Center for Engagement. If permission is granted, the organization must contact the County Commissioner鈥檚 Office at the Yellowstone Court House to obtain a raffle permit and instructions for holding a raffle when appropriate.
  3. In order to protect the privacy of the student residence, no solicitation may be conducted in the living area units of University students on University property, unless approved by the Housing and Residential Life Office.
  4. Requests for all solicitation shall be made at least ten (10) University working days in advance of the activity on forms provided by the Student Union & Activities Office. Appeals to the decision may be made in writing to the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success.
  5. Fund raising and solicitation by registered student organizations off-campus must be approved by the MSU Billings Foundation.

D. Student Union

  1. 顶级国产视频 Campus Store has exclusive franchise to conduct all mercantile activity on campus. Only mercantile activity associated with a recognized and registered student organization or institutional administrative unit will be permitted in the Student Union Building. Permission must first be granted by the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.
  2. Reservations for vending space are coordinated by the Center for Engagement (SUB 219). Vending space will only be approved for student organizations or University departments for unit related activities.
  3. Displays in the Student Union must have prior approval by the Center for Engagement. Only displays sponsored by a recognized student organization or University department will be approved.

E. Violations

Violations of all campus grounds and building-use regulations are subject to the misconduct penalties and procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Part VIII. Liquor Consumption on 顶级国产视频 Campus

顶级国产视频 is committed to a campus community environment that promotes the health, safety, personal development and academic success of students, faculty and staff. The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, [20. U.S.C. 1145g, (34 CFR Part 86)], requires institutions of higher education to enact policies for preventing the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students and employees. Please refer to the 顶级国产视频 Alcohol Policy for more information. 


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success is the principal agency for the administration of student code compliance and shall implement Code of Conduct.


The Office of the Provost and Academic Vice Chancellor is the principal agency for the administration of the Academic Conduct Guidelines and Grievance Procedures for Students.


Listed below are departments available for students on both the City College and University Campuses and a list of services provided:


University Campus: Student Union Building, 1st floor; 406-657-1641

City College Campus: Tech Building; 406-247-3022

  • Tutoring in a variety of subjects
  • Peer mentoring and supplemental instruction
  • Test proctoring
  • Open computer labs


Administration Building, 1st floor; 406-657-2240

  • Academic Advising (course scheduling and registration)
  • Transcript evaluations and Degree Works


Student Union Building, Room 213; 406-657-2365

  • Funding resource to support student research, programs, initiatives
  • Provides leadership to fulfill student needs and make noticeable differences on campus for the students of 顶级国产视频
  • Represents student interests, needs and welfare within the University campuses
  • Provides for the expression of student opinion and interests to the community at large on issues affecting student life
  • Protects the privileges and rights of students


Alterowitz Gymnasium; 406-657-2061

  • Athletic Teams
  • Fitness Center and Swimming pool
  • Intramural sports


University Campus: Administration Building, Ground Floor; 406-657-2140

City College Campus: Tech Building; 406-247-3002

  • Student Account Information
  • Payment plans and refunds
  • Adding funds to u-card


Student Union Building, 1st floor; 406-657-1746

  • Course Materials (online ordering process)
  • School Supplies
  • Computer/Technology equipment


Library Building, 1st floor; 406-657-2168

  • Resume Assistance
  • Interview Process: interview tips and mock interviews
  • Job search database for part-time jobs, work study-jobs and professional employment
  • Career Events


Student Union Building, 2nd floor; 406-657-2387

  • Room reservations and event management support
  • Student organization support
  • Student life programming and events
  • Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry
  • Civic engagement opportunities


University Campus: Liberal Arts, Room 518; 406-657-2283

City College Campus: Tech Building; 406-247-3029

  • Provides tools, technology and other accommodations for students with disabilities


University Campus: Administration Building, 1st floor; 406-657-2188

City College Campus: Tech Building; 406-247-3000

  • Support students with the Financial Aid process (FAFSA)
  • Award federal/state grant funding: grants, loans and work-study


Student Union Building, Room 225; 406-657-2333

  • Provide support, resources and programs to all students living in the residence halls
  • Oversees 10 unit family housing complex


Library Building, Room 700; 406-657-1705

  • English Language Programs
  • Degree completing programs
  • Study abroad and student exchange
  • Support and programs for all international students


City College Campus: Tech Building; 406-247-3000

  • Admissions
  • Advising
  • Financial Aid
  • Business Services


Library Building, 2nd floor; 406-657-2262

  • 24/7, 365 access to online Library resources
  • Research assistance available
  • Areas for students to study and groups to meet
  • Computer labs
  • Printing access for students


College of Education, Room 106; 406-657-2968

City College, Tech Building

  • Support for military affiliated students
  • VA Certifying official
  • Veteran鈥檚 benefits


University Campus, 2630 Normal Ave.; 406-657-2182

City College Campus Tech Building, Room B008

  • Recruit and retain American Indian students
  • Provides academic and student support to students while encouraging their individual, social, cultural and emotional growth.
  • Facilitate programs (Pow Wow, Native American Heritage Day)


McMullen Hall, 1st floor; 406-657-2158

  • Residency Processing
  • U-card photos
  • Dropping/adding classing, withdrawing and graduating
  • Grading/independent study


University Campus, Petro Hall, 2nd floor; 406-657-2153

City College, Tech Building, Room B002; 406-247-3027

  • Students taking 7 or more credits pay a student health services fee each semester which covers:
    • Medical Services
    • Counseling Services
    • Sexual Violence Advocacy and support
  • Students taking less than 7 credits may opt to pay the student health services fee
  • Manage student Immunization information


University Campus, LI 141; 406-657-1668

City College Campus Tech Building, Room A021; 406-247-3051

  • Students eligible for this program must:
    • Have a documented disability
    • Be low income
    • Be first generation
  • Provide mentoring and tutoring for students in the program
  • Provide programs
  • Academic assistance, including supplies and resources